CPython v3.8.10 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (x86 & amd64)


Digital Python IDE

CPython v3.6.8 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (x86 & amd64)


PyInstaller Package and Distribute

Cython Compilation Acceleration


CPython Detailed Usage


Original Version 目录为通过官方安装包,生成的绿色便携版 (未单独安装扩展模块)。

Green portable extended = Original Version + 单独安装扩展模块 (具体安装扩展模块以实际压缩包为准)。

下载解压缩后,单系统同时使用多个 Python2.x 3.x 绿色便携版的详细用法,请参见 Run Config Dialog 帮助教程。

Green portable extended 2.7.16 集成打包了 python27.dll 动态链接库,其中 Install_module.txt 文件包含单独安装扩展模块版本说明。



CPython v3.7.5 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (amd64)



CPython v3.5.4 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (amd64)



CPython v3.4.4 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (amd64)



CPython v2.7.17 Green Portable Edition (Python implementation based on C language)

Baidu Net Disk (Extract Code: g1po)

System: Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (amd64)



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