2.7 3.x 版本历史

Time Version Explanation Remark
2021.08 3.9.7 不再支持微软 Windows 7
2021.05 3.8.10
2020.08 3.7.9
2020.07 3.8.5
2020.04 2.7.18
2019.12 3.6.10
2019.10 3.8 兼容微软 Windows 7.1,但需安装 KB2533623 补丁包
2.7.17 Official propaganda for the final version CPythn2.7
2019.03 3.4.10
2018.12 3.6.8 After that, CPythn3.6.x Windows MacOSX version will no longer be officially released 官方有发布完美兼容微软 Windows 7.1 的最后一个 *.EXE 安装包
2018.06 3.7
2016.12 3.6
2015.12 3.4.4 After that, CPythn3.4.x Windows MacOSX version will no longer be officially released
2015.09 3.5
2014.12 2.7.9 Stable version that can still be used
2014.07 2.7.8 pip always prompts SSL error
2014.03 3.4 First stable version of CPython3.x
2012.09 3.3
2011.02 3.2
2010.07 2.7
2009.06 3.1
2008.12 3.0
2008.10 2.6 No longer supported Windows ia64
2006.09 2.5 First time support MacOSX, Windows amd64
2004.11 2.4 First time support Windows ia64
2003.07 2.3
2001.12 2.2
2001.06 2.1


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