Translate User Interface (UI)
v12.9.3.36 build 20241207.174543
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (x64 bits)
en-US fr-FR zh-CN zh-TW Four-in-One Multi-language (Green Portable Edition)
Decompression can be used after download, no need to install separately
This applet is suitable for Multi-Lingual GUI translator, IT Programmer, etc. used for by setting the conditions to Quickly Translate under the specify directory some specific format in a similar text file GUI (graphical user interface) characters .
Please use Data Compare backup, 100% accurate comparison (or random check) the contents before and after processing.
Operating System Hardware Requirement
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (64 bits)
Recommend use Windows 7.1 / 10 (64 bits full version)
集成应用 Related Application Basic Usage
Translate Process
Since the 2022 version, please reference Digilater main user interface, the flow function item operation prompt under the Translation Menu.
从 .PY .PYW 文件提取 en-US.ts 文件 --> 合并所有 en-US.ts 文件 --> 克隆 en-US.ts 获得 en-US.ts 多语言文件 --> 编排整理 en-US.ts 和 en-US.ts 文件 --> 从 en-US.ts 文件提取翻译字符 .DSCP 文件 --> 剔除 .DSCP 文件重复项 --> 采用已有术语库预翻译 .DSCP 文件 --> 人工翻译 .DSCP 文件未翻译增量术语 --> 以 .DSCP 文件术语翻译 en-US.ts 文件 --> 克隆 en-US.ts 获得 zh-TW.ts 多语言文件 --> 简转繁 zh-TW.ts 多语言文件 --> 发布 en-US.qm en-US.qm zh-TW.qm 本地化文件 --> Start the App, View Result
Visual C++
When APP starting if prompted Unable to locate program input point ucrtbase.terminate on dynamic link library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll (or *.dll file error | missing, or unable to start), Please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable x64 and restart the computer.