Qt TS File Extract 2023 v11.1.0.32 build 20231110.184648


This applet is suitable for Multi-Lingual Document-GUI translator, IT Programmer, etc. used to by set the condition from Qt/C++、PyQt、 PySide GUI framework .CPP .PY .PYW file quick extract the resources to be translated and output .TS file .

Please use Data Compare backup, 100% accurate comparison (or random check) the contents before and after processing.

Related Application

Qt QM File Release     Digital Translate

Basic Usage

支持从 self.tr("Test 'Application'") 形式源代码提取 Test 'Application'。

支持从 self.tr('Test "Application"') 形式源代码提取 Test "Application"。

同一目录下若存在多个要提取本地化术语的源代码文件,自动提取术语时将合并输出一个 *.TS 文件。

若不支持本地化的当前类存在 pare.tr("Test 'Application'") pare.tr('Test "Application"') 形式源代码,不提取。

When extracting localized resources, it will be automatically escaped & ' > < " \\ special characters.

Support extracting nested class definition localized resources.

Fit Format

Usage Scene File Format Usage Scene File Format
C/C++ Programming Language .cpp (Still in development) Python Programming Language .py .pyw

What specific formats are supported, subject to the release version.