Digital Sprite X-Man
v5.8.8.3 build 20210823.181143
Python Programming HTML5 Programming
JavaScript Programming Common Feature
Text Editor Document Tab
Directory Tab Text Tab
Web Tab PDF Tab
Image Tab
Customize Extension Other
Applet Gadget
Digital Assistant
Editable Viewable
This APP is suitable for everyone by automatic or semi-automatic mode to achieve auxiliary work.
数字精灵 X-Man = Digital Browser + X-Man
集成 X-Man 基本特性。
Such as:
Integrate the basic features of Python programming.
Such as:
Batch Modify, Version Manage, Code Complete, Keyword Navigate, Bird's Eye Navigate, Precise Line Positioning
Integrate the basic features of HTML5 programming.
Such as:
Batch Modify, Version Manage, Code Complete, Keyword Navigate, Bird's Eye Navigate, Precise Line Positioning
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), HTML Code Formatting, CSS Code Formatting
Integrate basic features of JavaScript programming.
Such as:
Batch Modify, Version Manage, Code Complete, Keyword Navigate, Bird's Eye Navigate, Precise Line Positioning
When there is a Document Link Keyword dialog, hold down the Ctrl key to append the selected characters to the input box.
In the text view, hold down the Ctrl key and drag the mouse to insert the selected character at the release the mouse position.
In the text view, hold down the Ctrl key and drag the mouse than release the Ctrl key, move the selected character to the release the mouse position.
In the text ivew, hold down the Ctrl key to full text highlight the selected characters (2 or more) and move the vertical reference line.
When the content of the Text view is not fully loaded, pressing the cancel button in the loading progress dialog will change the current view to read-only mode (to prevent misoperation).
In the Python text view type and paste used in pairs __ '' "" one of the special characters, automatically complete the another.
In the Python text view type and paste combination used != () == [] {} \\ <= >= the first of the special characters, automatically complete the second.
When typing en-US characters in the HTML JavaScript Python text view, it will automatically judge and display the completion prompt dialog based on the context.
The lower right corner of the main window displays the current document coded character set | Tab key equivalent spaces (each Tab occupies 80 pixels in the text view).
The find and replace bar showed by Ctrl + H keys, can quickly Highlight | Find | fixed point Replacement (depending on the mouse position) that characters after the specified position.
The find bar showed by Ctrl + F keys, can quickly Highlight | Find (depending on the mouse position) that characters after the specified position.
Drag the vertical scroll bar in the text view, press the Shift key to select everything between the current cursor and the previous cursor.
When a character is selected in the text view in real time, the Row and Column | Character Number | Line Amount information is showed in the lower left corner of the main window.
Automatic line wrapping switches a text view to a newline of the dependent interface width | non-newline representation.
Hold down Ctrl + left mouse button and click the combo box in the upper right corner display | hide the right view.
Side bar of the text tab supports quick navigation by combining letter keys.
Three clicks of the left mouse button can select the current line of the text view.
Text File | Dir can not be repeat opened.
All menu can tear away, any time convenient to call its function item.
Hold down the Ctrl key during startup, no documents will be preloaded.
Create a new tab when press the Ctrl key and press Enter in the edit box of the tab navigation bar.
All tabs can be moved freely and can be tear away | copy tear away, double-click the tab to automatically close.
When the applet is called by holding down the Ctrl key, the characters selected in the current widget have no effect.
Press Alt + left mouse click to quickly edit the name of an existing entry.
Move the mouse to the top of the pop-up image preview window to display the title bar, and no longer automatically exit.
When Modifying | Restoring the document through an external program, mouse click|switch to text tab automatically refreshes the content of the Text view.
HTML5 HTML4 webpage file can be repeat opened.
Support HTML5 HTML4 webpage file to be Repeat Opened show by the Render | Source Code way.
Press Ctrl+G to open the main online translation tab, press Ctrl+Shift+G to open the subordinate online translation tab.
Automatically refresh the Web tab with no content and loading errors, hold down Shift key and click the popup link to load the new page in the original tab, hold down the Ctrl key and click the normal link to create a new Web tab.
If there is a problem for the remote proxy server configuration parameters or connection, using the Web tab will not be able to access any non-local network resources (After restarting the application, it will automatically restore to the initial non-proxy state).
Open the preferences window --> Webpage browser --> Configure network proxy --> Web tab right-click menu One-click switch connect to a remote proxy server (Say goodbye to being troubled by the wall).
Click the view switch to put static | dynamic HTML4 HTML5 document, switch into render Webpage | source code plain text | source code Web representation.
When Modifying | Restoring the document through an external program, mouse click|switch the current tab automatically refreshes the content of the Web view.
Triple-click the Web tab refresh button to reset the current page and reload the current link.
When the applet is called by holding down the Ctrl key, the characters selected in the current tab have no effect.
The lower left corner of the main window displays the number of characters selected | line number information in the Web view.
Quickly and repeatedly pop up multiple links at once, only keep the first tab.
Support local PDF document viewing, HTTP HTTPS remote PDF document viewing.
In the show image view, hold down Ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom the image show size.
Default support en-US American English|fr-FR France French|zh-CN Simplified Chinese|zh-TW Traditional Chinese GUI (Graphical User Interface), other languages please with Digital Translate localization tool, self-extension using the /i18n/en-US.ts source file.
Based on Qt 5.14 C/C++ development, Can write debug Python Qt C/C++ HTML5 Bootstrap CSS JavaScript jQuery and other programming language source code.
User can according to API specification Write Debug and Load the extension plugin | script, preferences window can be switched with one click into Standard | Debug GUI (graphical user interface) mode。
Debug tab filter text dialog can as match the start to configuration without displaying the output line rule.
When the Command tab executes a command, clicking the mouse button in it does not respond (to prevent misoperation).
Debug SHELL Command tab store the latest 50 commands by default, press the up and down cursor keys to switch (When in multi-line editing mode, press Ctrl + ↑ ↓ cursor keys).
Debug tab does not occupy any TCP port by default when working (press and hold the Ctrl key when working, it occupies 81 TCP port), and SHELL tab occupies 81 TCP port when it works.
Double-click the Debug tab in the exception trace back the document path prompt line (even if it contains ??? unrecognized path characters), the corresponding document will be automatically opened and the error line will be accurately located, as shown below:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\source\36\py ?????\dser\widget\", line 166, in keyPressEvent if event.text() not in self.listSpecial: #????? "???" ???? "???????б?" ?? AttributeError: 'DtView' object has no attribute 'listSpecial'
Deep integration with the CMD.exe (or other GUI-less scheduler) console, such as: supported Python Cython PyInstaller PyQt PySide wxPython Git Clang swigwin and other; Python interactive shell.
Integrate python27.dll python34.dll python36.dll and Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 Redistributable Update3 dynamic link library, comes with the Python3.6.8 basic module。 If not configured, these dynamic link libraries (or modules) are used when perform Command tab Runtime.
Temporary file directory is C:/DT-docu or D:/DT-docu (If the new version APP does not start or use properly, please manually clean this directory first).
Where history is the completion character, bookmark data storage directory (should be retained). Where applet is the applet configuration file storage directory (can be deleted), download is the data storage directory of the downloaded file applet (can be deleted), temp is the APP temporary file storage directory (can be deleted).
the minimize dialog 1 minute countdown automatically turns off.
Press Shift+F to show the right-click menu, Ctrl+left mouse button moves the text view vertical line horizontally.
Mouse double click the scroll bar to quickly scroll to the bottom and the top (or to the left and right), double click on the top and bottom of the fold bar to collapse all the content want to hide.
Path fuzzy batch support <1_dirProxyMarker> universal directory wildcard, HTML file fuzzy batch support <relativePathMarker> universal relative path wildcard, File directory rename or text fuzzy batch support <100_charProxyMarker> universal character wildcard.
Applet no important operations 5 minutes countdown automatically exit, comes with Timing Shutdown , timing-timer turns off the computer when needed (or restart, logout, sleep).
Result tab refresh feature can reload the previously saved content manually, and Ctrl + double-click the mouse can also quickly callback the main program to handle the cell text.
Document gather dialog can quickly bring together all the files listed in the result tab, into the specified destination directory.
The interface language and theme color of the applet that has not been released independently is subordinate to the main program, the independent setting does not work.
Multi-worker applet will smart invoke the CPU according to the working conditions (up to 100% CPU resources of all threads are called).
If feel that the applet is running abnormally, can use the restore button to (or the preferences window factory settings button) quickly restore to its original state.
Integrate quickly capture screen content into images Digital Screenshot function.
Default integration that can speech the webpage literal, the text content Text To Speech (TTS) output the voice assistant, press F10 to terminate the voice, press Ctrl+F10 to exit the assistant.
Integrate that supports HTTP HTTPS protocol Full Digital Download and Web tab direct download function.
Integrate that find files by content keywords Full Text Search (FTS) function.
Integrate that replaces the system default document search File Search function.
Usage Scene | File Format | Usage Scene | File Format |
Digitser File | .dscf .dscp .dsdc .dser .dsml | Text File | .dat .data .log .txt |
MicroSoft Office Excel | .csv .dcsv | MicroSoft Office Word | |
Adobe Acrobat | Dassault SolidWorks | ||
CG Animation | Picture File | ||
Web Picture File | |||
Icon File | Adobe Photoshop | ||
Font File | Maxon Cinema 4D Animation | ||
Audio File | Video File | ||
Web Stream Media | Virtual CD Image File | ||
Archive Compress File | Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) | .css .htm .html .mht .url | |
Markdown Markup Language | .md .rst | Extensible Markup Language (XML) | .dxml .xhtm .xhtml .xml |
Data Base | .db | Assembly Language | .asm |
C/C++ Programming Language | .c .cpp .cxx .h | CMake Cross-platform Build Source Code | .cmake |
GO Programming Language | .go | Erlang Programming Language | .erl |
Qt/C++ Framework | .prf .pri .prl .pro .qml .qrc .qss .ts .ui | C# Programming Language | .cs |
MicroSoft Visual Studio IDE | .sln .suo | MicroSoft Windows Platform Programming Language | .rc |
MicroSoft Windows Platform | .bat .cmd .conf .inf .ini .reg | Java Programming Language | .java .jsp |
JavaScript Programming Language | .js .json .jsond .jsonk .pyproject | Hypertext Preprocessor Language (PHP) | .php |
Ruby Programming Language | .rb .rbw | Python Programming Language | .pth .py .pyw .pyi |
Cython Programming Language | .pxd .pyx | Python Other fields | .pyp .sip .spec |
Lua Programming Language | .lua | ||
Perl Programming Language | .pl .pm | Active Server Page | .asa .asc .asp |
Git Version Manage | .git | Linux Platform | .list |
Oracle Virtual Machine (VM) VirtualBox | .vbox .vbox-prev |
What specific formats are supported, subject to the release version.
Usage Scene | File Format | Usage Scene | File Format |
Digitser File | .dscf .dscp .dsdc .dser .dsml | Text File | .dat .data .log .txt |
MicroSoft Office Excel | .csv .dcsv | MicroSoft Office Word | |
Adobe Acrobat | Dassault SolidWorks | ||
CG Animation | Picture File | .bmp .gif .svg .tif .tiff | |
Web Picture File | .jpg .jpeg .webp | ||
Icon File | .ico .png | Adobe Photoshop | |
Font File | Maxon Cinema 4D Animation | ||
Audio File | .aac .mp3 .wav .wma | Video File | |
Web Stream Media | .flv .mp4 .ogg .ogv .webm | Virtual CD Image File | |
Archive Compress File | Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) | .css .htm .html .mht .url | |
Markdown Markup Language | .md .rst | Extensible Markup Language (XML) | .dxml .xhtm .xhtml .xml |
Data Base | .db | Assembly Language | .asm |
C/C++ Programming Language | .c .cpp .cxx .h | CMake Cross-platform Build Source Code | .cmake |
GO Programming Language | .go | Erlang Programming Language | .erl |
Qt/C++ Framework | .prf .pri .prl .pro .qml .qrc .qss .ts .ui | C# Programming Language | .cs |
MicroSoft Visual Studio IDE | .sln .suo | MicroSoft Windows Platform Programming Language | .rc |
MicroSoft Windows Platform | .bat .cmd .conf .inf .ini | Java Programming Language | .java .jsp |
JavaScript Programming Language | .js .json .jsond .jsonk .pyproject | Hypertext Preprocessor Language (PHP) | .php |
Ruby Programming Language | .rb .rbw | Python Programming Language | .pth .py .pyw .pyi |
Cython Programming Language | .pxd .pyx | Python Other fields | .pyp .sip .spec |
Lua Programming Language | .lua | ||
Perl Programming Language | .pl .pm | Active Server Page | .asa .asc .asp |
Git Version Manage | .git | Linux Platform | .list |
Oracle Virtual Machine (VM) VirtualBox | .vbox .vbox-prev |
What specific formats are supported, subject to the release version.