5D 数字样机 Logo 5D Digital Machine 2023 v5.1.5.4 build 20210823.190454

Applet (High-speed mode will smart invoked the CPU according to working conditions, up to 100% CPU resources of all threads)

Name High-Speed Mode Function Remark
File Item Repeat Quickly remove repeat items from some files in the specified directory
Regular Expression (RE) Verify for Qt Repeat the verification of character matches by a RE (regular expression) that conforms to the C++ Perl specification
Regular Expression (RE) Verify for Python Repeat the verification of character matches by a RE (regular expression) that conforms to the Python specification
Full Text Search (FTS) Support Quick list some file name-line numbers as the forward or reverse (progressive narrowing) mode, by single or multiple combined keywords in the file content
File Search Quick list some file-directory full names in the specified directory
File Rename Support Quickly rename some files in the specified directory into the target file name
File Sequence Rename Quickly sequence rename some files in the specified directory into the target file name
Timing Shutdown Timer-Timing Calls the system background scheduling task to automatically power off the computer
Text To Speech (TTS) Text Use computer TTS (text to speech) technology to speak selected text
Full Text Replace (FTR) Support Quickly replace specific characters of some files in the specified directory
Full Text Replace (FTR) Many Support Quickly replace multiple characters of some files in the specified directory
Full Digital Download Quickly download the web, document and image into the local disk

What specific applets are integrated, subject to the release version.